This is the Professional Website of Ms. Vanessa Elton. I am currently a Gr.3 teacher in Prince George, a city located in Central BC within the territory of the Lheidli T'enneh. I graduated in 2013 from the Education program at Vancouver Island University. Since then I have taught from K - 12, from Port Hardy to Egypt and am almost done my Master of Arts in Environmental Education and Communication from Royal Roads University.
My volunteerism currently includes:
Vice-President of the Recreational Canoe Association of BC.
Co-leader of the PG Nature Kids
Co-leader Environmental Educators PSA Central Interior Chapter.
Canoe Instructor
The Recreational Canoeing Association is THE place to go for all things Canoe related in BC.
PG Nature Kids
Check out PG Nature Kids on FB for upcoming Explorer days. Perks to Membership include Quarterly Nature Wild magazines!
Environmental Educators PSA
Our Provincial Specialist Association for Teachers! Join the Central Interior Chapter!